Training & Mentorship
The EpiCenter for Disease Dynamics provides training for mentees ranging from students to early career scientists. Our interdisciplinary approach reaches across the One Health Institute, collaborating Centers in the School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis Schools and Colleges, as well as external collaborators to facilitate innovative research of zoonotic disease emergence at the intersection of human, animal, and environmental health. Training and mentorship are tailored to meet project needs and interests of the trainee, with topics spanning epidemiology, zoonoses, disease ecology, surveillance, diagnostics, public health, wildlife population health, and risk mitigation. Strengthening knowledge in infectious disease dynamics is paired with real-world problems within a One Health context, with training opportunities in both laboratory and field settings. With support from the EpiCenter team, trainees develop skills in field sampling techniques, data analysis and computational modeling, manuscript preparation, interacting with state, federal, and international stakeholders, designing and conducting their own research, and presenting their research at meetings and conferences. Trainees go on to work in a wide variety of fields, including public health, wildlife health and conservation, academia, and at state, federal and international organizations.

Prospective trainees should explore our programs and collaborators below.

Pathways to One Health Fellowship
The Pathways to One Health Fellowship pilot program provides undergraduate students an opportunity to gain research experience and mentorship to support their career development within veterinary and health sciences.
Applications are closed.

Master of Preventive Veterinary Medicine (MPVM) Research
The MPVM Program includes research focused on applied epidemiology to prepare individuals to be leading professionals in critical assessment and application of epidemiological and quantitative methods for solving animal, human, and ecological population health problems.

Students Training in Advanced Research (STAR) Program
The STAR Program at the School of Veterinary Medicine at UC Davis offers funding opportunities on a competitive basis to veterinary students to experience veterinary and biomedical research during the summer months.
The calls for STAR Applications are due in early February each year.

GloCal Health Fellowship
The GloCal Health Fellowship provides aspiring global health researchers with outstanding interdisciplinary education and training in innovative research designed to improve health for populations around the world. The fellowship is designed for doctoral students, professional students, and postdoctoral fellows.
Applications for 2025-2026 are due September 16, 2024.
For more opportunities at the One Health Institute and across campus, consider these programs.
- More Opportunities
Fellowships and Externships
❯ One Health Fellowship
❯ Phil And Karen Drayer WHC Fellowship
❯ Wildlife Externship
❯ UC Global Health Fellowships
Summer Programs
❯ UC Davis Graduate Admissions Pathways
❯ Rx One Health
❯ Planetary Health Work Experience