Presentations & Policy

Presentations and Policy

The work done by Dr. Christine Kreuder Johnson and the EpiCenter team has far-reaching influence within and beyond the realm of academia. Disease emergence, spillover, and subsequent spread in human populations are inextricably tied to the health of animals and our environment. The need for research to inform science and policy remains pressing, now more than ever, in our era of a rapidly changing environment and shifting landscape use at the animal-human interface.

Through commentary pieces, conference presentations, epidemiological support, congressional briefings, and invited testimony to state and federal governments and intergovernmental international partners, we work to support science-based decision-making and public policy at home and all around the world.

International Engagement

Throughout 2023, Dr. Johnson has served as a U.S. Science Envoy, traveling to Laos, Singapore, Costa Rica, Peru, Uganda, and Kenya to advance science diplomacy and strengthen connections between in-country researchers, government partners, and the broader scientific community. In this role, Dr. Johnson met with ambassadors, key stakeholders, and national ministries overseeing public health, animals, and the environment to share and discuss One Health approaches to outbreak response and emerging infectious disease research. 

Featured Policy Resource

Research and publications produced by the EpiCenter team influence and help shape policy for national and international agencies and are frequently cited as key evidence and resources.


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