National Academies Shared Decision-Making Webinar
Last week, Dr. Christine K. Johnson, Professor and Director of the EpiCenter for Disease Dynamics, spoke as an expert panelist at the "Shared Decision-Making: A Catalyst for Real-World Research Solutions" event. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened this webinar to discuss how cross-sectoral teams can collaborate and promote shared decision-making when conducting use-inspired research. Each panelist presented a unique perspective on their experience with shared decision-making, with the intent of relating guidance that can be applied to other research endeavors. Following the presentations, panelist tackled questions about evaluating shared governance approaches in research proposals, keeping partners striving toward the same goals, the value of early engagement, and navigating power imbalances. You can check out the full webinar below.
You can learn more about the event and download panelist slides here: